My 2021 started just as perfect way as I wished. Even better. Nothing has been disturbing me (well, surely because my phone is still muted and in a closet, gosh it makes me feel good to not have that little thing annoying me). New Year’s Eve I simply spent by relaxing in sauna, eating well, having a little outdoor, watching movie and going bed early. The sky was painted to be beautifully pink and purple which just so strongly made me feel the next year will be good. What else it could be if even the sky wore my favorite colors? I have never seen it that way before.

The Friday was very special to me as it was the first day of a new, special, better year. The weather was nice, not windy at all, neither sunny but very calming, so I started the day by little walk with baba. He wore his new sweater matching with my new Barbie socks and I feel pink suits him well.

After walk I spent kinda all Friday in a kitchen by cooking for lovies (I quickly shared some on my Stories). When it all was finally done we had a wonderful sauna bath, got some facial done, dinner after that and then just relaxing, snacking and having fun by watching movies and knitting for my soul twin which made me feel most comfy.

All Saturday I just wanted to stay in pajama and do nothing. Just nothing else but feeling the warm fleece next to my skin, feeling freedom from all duties, feeling no busy, no stress, nothing but comfort.

The very same I am going to do tomorrow. All weekend in pajama. That’s my plan and it feels so darn good! I have an entreaty for you dear 2021: please, keep going as wonderful as you have got started. It would make me most pleased.
