As you all know I lost my littlest puppy Calvin James last spring and only two months later my oldest one Oliver Bean passed away too. Very hard way this episode of my life broke my hear and healing is still on. Most of you my dear readers know Oliver Bean was my partner in my Dog Clothes company called Bean&Pähkinä: we founded the company together when I was 17 years old and all these years we designed our all collections together. Bean inspired me, he was my little muse. We always chose the yarns together and always when I knitted he slept in my arms. I think the sound of needles calmed him down and made him relaxed. So all clothes we manufactured together and so proudly we attached the mark of our company on each sweater before sending them to the new owners.

♥ Bean&Pähkinä founders mama and Oliver Bean in 2012
♥ Our first cow costume
♥ Our first tiger costume
♥ Bean posing with his ‘Winnie The Bean’ sweater

Kuten pitkäaikaiset lukijani tietävät, menetin nuorimman koirani Calvin Jamesin viime keväänä tämän ollessa vain 3-vuotias, ja että kuin salama kirkkaalta taivaalta vain kaksi kuukautta myöhemmin vanhin koirani Oliver Bean nukkui pois veljensä perässä. Pitkäaikaiset lukijani myös tietävät tarinan siitä, miten perustin yritykseni ollessani 17 vuotias, ja että yritykseni nimi koostui sen molemmista perustajajäsenistä; Beanista ja Pähkinästä. Viime kesään asti valmistimme kaikki tuotemerkkimme vaatteet yhdessä Beanin kanssa, Bean nukkui sylissäni neuloessani ja kaikki mallipuvut valmistuivat hänen mittoihinsa. Alla kuvia taipaleestamme yhdessä.

Every very year we made some charity work together by donating some new designs and special sweaters for rescue puppies and other dogs in need. Before Bean passed away he had a possibility to make his last donation and together we decided to donate a special sweater for little puppy called ChaCha. ChaCha lives in Texas with her human mommy and daddy and with her puppy siblings.

♥ 4 x ChaCha


Toimintamme ei ole kuitenkaan ollut pelkästään koiranvaatteiden suunnittelua ja valmistusta myyntiin vaan myös hyväntekeväisyyteen. Olemme joka vuosi olleet aktiivisesti mukana rescue-toiminnassa sekä lahjoittaneet uusia design-vaatteita koirille, jotka toipuvat erilaisista sairauksista. Vaatteitamme on toimitettu myös erityisen kylmiin maihin vähäosaisten perheisiin ja Kanadassa vuotuinen hyväntekeväisyystapahtuma huutokauppaa tilaisuuteen suunnitellun ja valmistetun neuleemme paikallisen rescue-toiminnan hyväksi. Ehdimme tehdä Beanin kanssa viimeisen lahjoituksemme yhdessä ennen kuin hän nukkui pois viime vuoden heinäkuussa. Kohteeksi valitsimme Texasissa asuvan ChaCha La Ruen, jonka sijoiltaan menneitä polvilumpioita on hoidettu leikkauksin jo useaan kertaan. Nyt ChaCha voi hyvin ja jatkaa työtään terapiakoirana lapsille ja vanhuksille.

ChaCha had her first corrective surgery in July 2013 on her back knees for Laxating Patella. Then another Luxating Patella surgery on other knee in August of 2014. Both of surgeries were pretty much unsuccessful in fixing the problem which resulted in ChaCha bearing all her weight on her front two legs: after all this little sweetie-pie was not able to walk on her own. The third surgery was in April of 2015 on both of her front legs because her front ankles collapsed due to all the pressure on them. A customized support wheelchair was donated by great people – – as ChaCha’s mama Cynthia says – – at Mango on a Mission.

Read more about ChaCha story on her Facebook page >> and watch the video of her at NAT GEO WILD below.


Tutustu ChaChan tarinaan Facebookissa ja katso alla oleva video ChaChasta Nat Geo Wildin Tv-kanavalla.

Neuloimme ChaChalle lahjoituksena Sateenkaari -puvun, joka toimii muistutuksena elämän arvokkuudesta: meistä kukaan ei tiedä omaa aikaansa täällä, jonka vuoksi eläminen jokaiselle hetkelle on tärkeää. Kuvat neuleesta näet postauksen lopussa. Videon alta voit myös lukea tarkemmin lahjoituksestamme ChaChalle englanniksi.

ChaCha’s story has touched us a lot and with very honest heart I can say her human mommy is one of the most kind and loving heart people I can name in the world – not only dogs but also people she is treating well and sharing the love and care with unselfish heart. And what comes to little ChaCha she is a hero. There are no words for the character of her: she is such a brave heart. The same way as Spider man, Batman and Superman are heroes for humans the same way is ChaCha a super hero for puppies. And this is what my BenBen says and I can tell he never lies.

I need to thank ChaCha’s mama for taking so very good care of her fur babies but also of people and kids around. I wish someday I have a possibility to hug you in real and feel little ChaCha in my arms. ♥ Until that I need to do it a virtual way but I am very happy to do it even by that way. I also want to thank you dear Cynthia for being so very patient with this little donation. After Bean passed away I really needed to take a break from knitting, I was too sad for creating anything beautiful. I wanted to create something very special for ChaCha, I wanted to create the sweater that reminds us of how beautiful gift the life is. We all were born in this world for some reason and same way at once one day we all will pass away. We can’t know our own time which why it’s even more important to live for every moment.

As we all pet parents know there is a special place in a heaven for our fur kids, the place called a Rainbow Bridge. This is what I wanted to create for the most brave Chinese Crested Dog in the world: the place where is nothing but positivity, the beauty and love, tender and sweet kisses for everyone. And as we all dog mommies and dog daddies know there is a very special way to love in dogs. Very wonderful way they lock themselves on our hearts by staying there forever.

♥ Rainbow colors and golden lock for symbolizing the locked heart
♥ Little rainbow sleeves
♥ Bentley fitting the sweater
♥ ChaCha’s rainbow sweater is finished and ready to ship

ChaCha is very right puppy to carry this symbol of love and eternity. By the sweater we wish her and her family health, love, peace and all the best. ♥